Sanjeevani App

The Hospital Management App

Code on GitHub

This is a project made with JAVA. It is made with the help of NetBeans IDE.

Below Screenshots show a glimpse of its visuals and functionality.

  1. Splash Screen:
    This image shows the splash screen of Sanjeevani app.

    splash screen

  2. Login Screen:
    The below image shows the login screen of app. There are three options to choose from i.e Admin, Receptionist and Doctor. The user can login with userid and password and the app will connect to local MySql database if the servers are running.

    login screen

  3. Admin Panel:
    The below image shows the admin panel of app. There are four options to choose from i.e Manage Employees, Manage Doctors and Manage Receptionists. It also shows the name of the user logged in.
    For more details about Admin panel Click Here!!

    admin panel

  4. Receptionist Panel:
    The below image shows the Patient panel of app managed by receptionists. There are four options to choose from i.e Add patient, View patient, Update patient and Delete Patient. It also shows the name of the user logged in.
    For more details about Receptionist panel Click Here!!

    patient panel managed by receptionist

  5. Doctor Panel:
    The below image shows the Doctor panel of app. There is option to see the Doctors appointments. It also shows the name of the user logged in.
    For more details about Doctor panel Click Here!!

    patient panel managed by receptionist